Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Dining at Dencio's (June 21)

Last Sunday, me and my mom were so lucky to be invited at the 40th Annual Guillermo Mendoza Memorial Scholarship Awards Night. That was the very first time I will be attending a very formal event with some of the famous local personalities, so I had my best all-black suit, and got ready. Unfortunately, and the biggest mistake, that we forgot to bring our camera. Losers. :(

With us were my mom's co-member at BPM, a non-government organization in our town. They had their tickets and VIP passes, too.

Before we went to the RCBC Plaza, we had our early dinner at Dencio's Bar and Grill along Jupiter Street, Brgy. Bel-Air, Makati.

And, that was also my first time to taste Dencio's foods! Taste buds, excited. I think we were the first customer at that day so they transferred us to a private dining room.

I got so much glued with their pancit Dencio's, calamares, gambas, and sinigang na bangus, accompanied with a cool bottomless iced tea. Too bad that their signature dish, sizzling sisig was unavailable. But anyway, I enjoyed the place, and the food as well.

Here's their menu:

After eating, we then proceed to the event. Surprisingly, me and my mom was assigned to present the awards so believe it or not, we're in the national television! I think the awards night will be aired 11PM, Sunday, June 28 on ABS-CBN.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Our School's New Boo and Do.

WTH is happening in our net connection at home? Two weeks, still nothing. I wish I could go back to the routine as soon as possible.

Oh, by the way, our school have introduced us their coolest 3-MBps WiFi connection! But unfortunately, it's not for free. Now I can do blogging around the campus. Hooked.

I just had my haircut last Sunday, and early this morning. I think the professors can no longer stand their semi-long-haired-like-horse's-tail male students, so they implemented the prescribed haircut in full blast. I know it really sucks because it's a very high school thing, but all I have to do is to follow. Crap.

The students' lounge is finally and officially open! But it doesn't wowed me anyway.

The canteen is flooded with new students. More tables, but can't accommodate all. Oh well, I think it's better to eat outside the campus, or eat breakfast like a king.

Just missing my friends.

Monday, June 1, 2009

We Moved Back, For Good!

After merely 5 years of living in an affordable, small yet in a good condition apartment, our family have decided to move back in our original home permanently. Thank God!

Last May 28, we started to transfer our clothes, appliances, and other useful things. Each day, we're trying to work everything that we need to settle. The bills were already paid, thank God again! Now we just need to clean the house and officially leave the apartment. I have already requested the telephone network for a telephone line and net connection transfer, but unfortunately, it's a matter of 2 weeks minimum to transfer the line so I might be inactive for these coming days.

Our original home has been painted very well. I called it our White House because, literally, everything's white - the ceiling, the wall, the doors, etc. The kitchen is still convenient, while the bathroom had been sanitized beforehand. The broken faucet, pipes, and windows can be used again. Now, we just need to decorate the walls a little bit so it will look awesome for the guests.

It's been a tiring week for us, but we're still looking forward for a merrier family life.