Sunday, August 15, 2010

A True Hell Week

This passed week has been too much like hell for me. I've been tormented every night by series of heavy dilemmas, and it seemed to me that I couldn't get out of them easily. Aside from having no more money left on my wallet and lack of time to review for difficult exams, the documents for my dissertation were ALL corrupted, without any back-up files to relieve my worries. My 2G-capacity flash drive had been attacked by notorious, totally-frustrating worm virus. Out of desperation, I just rewrite anything from the very start, but I couldn't recall all the good ideas. Ironically, this is the best birthday gift for me! I was really stunned.

Still fortunate enough, my professor hasn't deleted the copies of my documents so I was able to retrieve all of them. Yeah, I smiled a lot! But I already learned my lesson, so I hurriedly created a back-up file to my email accounts and online storage, even gave a copy of my documents to my friends' flash drives to be 101% sure I won't be wasting another couple of days lamenting with my deceased corrupted files. Now I'm back in the game, but I'm already left behind. Doh.

Monday, August 9, 2010